My daughter has been enrolled in an accredited online private school since 9th grade, and we used those transcripts to sent to several state colleges, to which she has now been accepted. We are self employed and lost a really major contract in late December and can no longer pay the school, but have all of the materials. My daughter is continuing to do the work, but without the accredidation or grading support. Can we supply a homeschool transcript as a final transcript? The 12th grade classes were listed as “in progress” (no grades yet) when the original was sent in December. Will her acceptance be withdrawn?
Crises happen to families all the time, and kids have to change high schools at the last minute. You should be able to do this. Check with the places on her application list, and ask if there are any special steps they’d like you to take. And don’t forget to communicate about the financial setback with the financial aid offices. Some of them might be able to adjust her aid package accordingly.