Changing Language B?

As my sophomore year is ending, I need to decide on my courses for DP.
I’ve taken 3 years of Spanish so far, but wanted to get the opinion of others when deciding what course to take for my Language B in DP.
Should I continue on with Spanish Language B SL or move to Mandarin Ab initio?
The fact that Ab initio is a lot less intensive is extremely appealing, but I wanted to know if this might be detrimental when applying to college as many colleges strongly recommend at least 4 years of the same language…
What should I do?

Continue Spanish. 5 years of Spanish is better than 3 years of Spanish + 2 years of Mandarin. Additionally, many colleges have a foreign language requirement for graduation, and you’d be more likely to place out with 5 years of Spanish.

Depends on what you want to study. Most colleges have a certain minimum of how many years of language you should take. I think 2 is the minimum. You already fulfilled the requirement for the same language.