Changing major after being accepted?

<p>Hi guys :D
I'm an international student
I was just accepted by UM as a freshman!! (It's just totally unexpected! I was thinking maybe I'll be on the waitlist...)</p>

<p>So just a question...
Is it possible for me to change major right after being accepted?
I chose 'Undecided Business' as my major on my app
but after being accepted, I feel like I am not one of those 'business-minded people'
I think 'International Studies' will be a better fit for me
btw, my math and econ sucks (i failed econ in HS, it's the only course i've ever failed!!) :/</p>

<p>i know it's really lucky for me to be accepted by the business school in UM, and i know there are tons of people on the waitlist dying to get into the business school... but i just don't feel like it's the right major for me</p>

<p>so basically, is it possible to do so?
and if i do so, will they evaluate my app again, and take back my acceptance? :(
(it's the 2nd top choice school on my list, and i don't want to lose it...)</p>

<p>thank you for your help! :)</p>

<p>I changed from business to Biomedical engineering right after being accepted. All you do is send in an email with your name and UM ID and what major you applied for and which one you now want to study. They filed mine like a week after I emailed them, so I doubt the re-review process is that rigorous. They wouldn’t revoke your acceptance I don’t believe!</p>

<p>Go Canes! []_[]</p>

<p>thank you for your answer, RGHelmcamp :slight_smile:
are you a current student in UM?
do you know anyone who changed major in the middle of freshman year?
i am still unsure about should i change it now, because i want to explore my interest first</p>