Hi everyone! I’m a high school senior who was just accepted to UCLA today. After the initial excitement, I realized that I mistakenly picked the wrong major when applying. Instead of Pre-Business Economics, I picked American Literature and Culture by accident. Now I’m wondering if I am able to change my major either before I attend or when I’m there. I looked on the UCLA website for their Economic’s department, but the answers were a little confusing. It seems like I would be able to submit a request to change major when I’m there. Is that true? If not, do I need to be a Pre-Business Economics major to become a Business Economics major eventually or would I just need to complete the required classes? Does my current major doesn’t matter?
For L&S no one is admitted into the major. Instead everyone is a pre major! What does this mean? It means since no one is in a major yet you can switch as many times as you like. In fact the first chance you can “switch” is at orientation. All it is is switching on your Degree Audit Report so you know what classes to take. Classses are only major restricted for engineering because engineers are already admitted to their major. You will have no problem enrolling in Eng Comp 3, Econ 1, Econ 2, and Math 31A which are typical first quarter Econ classes.
Oh my gosh, that is such a relief to hear! Thank you for the informative reply.