Changing major?

<p>Hi guys, I'm a prospective senior who's going to be applying EA to UMiami. I have several interests, one coming in business, one in communications, and one in education. Considering these are all somewhat difficult to get into, I'll be applying as an early education major to help my chances of admission. However, if I find I either don't want to pursue education/want to pursue business or comm. is it pretty easy to switch majors early on (freshman or sophomore year)?</p>

<p>My son is a sophomore. His two best friends have already switched majors no problem.</p>

<p>Moving into the Business school is not that easy. There are a lot of core classes required and most have pre-requisites . You aren’t allowed in most of the pre-req classes w/o being a business major. You also won’t have access to the business school counselors so you need to make sure you are taking classes that will count toward graduation. You won’t be denied transfer if you keep your grades up and take the core classes required of all transfers (from within the U and from out), but it may take you longer to graduate.</p>

<p>DS started as a math major and then switched to Business school…no problem, a few forms and it was done. Graduated in 4 years easily with BSBA. The key is to communicate clearly with the advisors about your wishes and let them help you with the transition, but you need to do the footwork taking forms from here to there and back. Can be done easily if not during the first week of a semester. Make an appt and they will take you seriously. good luck. </p>

<p>You should probably apply to the School of Business if you think that is what you want. If you start with Education, you would take Finite Math (required) which is below Calc 1. Calc 1 is required to transfer into the School of Business. Before you apply, call an advisor in the School of Education to see if Calc 1 or Business Calc count toward their Math requirement. The School of Communication requires any math above MTH 101. Call to make sure that math in the School of Business (MAS) counts.</p>

<p>Unless they’ve changed things in admissions since my DS was applying (he is a current UM sophomore), I remember being told very clearly that they admit the best applicants regardless of what school they are applying to. In fact, when he got his acceptance, it had him as Arts & Sciences when he had clearly applied for Engineering. We called and it was no problem to switch it. They even sent him a new acceptance package with the correct school listed. UM just wants the absolute best students.</p>

<p>Previous posters make excellent points though about making sure that you can get into the classes you need for your major so you can graduate in four years.</p>