Changing Majors in the UC System

How easy is it to change majors in the UC System within the same college?

It depends upon each UC campus since each UC has different criteria in changing majors. Some schools like UCSC do not consider majors for admission purposes and you have up to end of Sophomore year to declare a major. Majority of the Engineering programs at the UC’s are direct admits into the major but changing majors within the same College of Engineering is usually much easier than changing majors from different colleges. You can look up the change of major criteria on each school’s website.

it really does vary by campus and what you are changing from/to.

do you have something specific in mind?

@Gumbymom Okay.

@NCalRent I wanted to apply as a Spanish Major and then change to a Molecular, Cell, and Developmental Biology Major.

I think this will depend on which UC. S attends UCLA and two of his friends applied as econ majors but are on track to declare as biology and environmental science. They are taking the prerequisites and will declare after a certain number of units. Both get good grades, so not sure how much that plays into it. However, some UCs like Davis have a separate College of Biology which will likely be a different process

They know that trick you know… those are far enough apart that it will be a hurdle. you probably won’t have the foundational math and science so, it could take an extra quarter or two to get that knocked out. There will likely be a GPA threshold you’ll need to meet too.

If you want to study science at a UC, I’d suggest you apply accordingly,