Changing room assignments?

<p>How easy is it to change room assignments? My daughter requested a single without fully thinking it through. Now that she's been assigned a single, she is having second thoughts. Is it possible to change to a double? She is concerned about feeling isolated and not meeting people since there are so few singles. Any thoughts? Hoping to put her mind at ease one way or another!</p>

<p>Why? There are 40 or 50 kids on her floor. So, she doesn’t have the forced “friend” of a roommate. Doesn’t she want to pick and choose her own friends? I think that requesting and getting a single is the best thing that could have possibly happened to me. I’m sure that I will meet tons of people. Your D should be happy that you are willing to spend the extra $. It will be worth the extra room; the good night sleep; the peace of not having to worry that her roommate is entertaining a guy at midnight; being able to study in her room whenever she wants; enjoying her desired climate, etc., etc., etc… </p>