Changing undergrad colleges after admission?

<p>My question is about applying to the different undergradute schools at Northwestern. My daughter and I were just there but somehow in the midst of the 13 schools we saw, we have forgotten some details given at info. sessions! I believe that during the info. session at NW the admissons officers were asked about the ability to change schools, lets say from the Weinberg College to the School of Communication, and they said that this was possible. Am I imagining this or is that true? If so how hard is it to do? At this point my daughter is undecided but would probably apply to one of these two. Also, is one or the other more difficult to be accepted to? Thanks!</p>

<p>From what I’ve heard, it is very easy to change schools. All that it involves is a approx. 5 min meeting with the dean of the school you want to switch to. You just have to explain to them why you want to switch to a different school and sign a paper. Voila! Also, Weinberg is the largest school so in theory it is easier to get accepted into. For the SoC, it depends what major you apply to. For example, theater major spots are very limited. If you apply to an obscure major, SoC might even be easier to get into than Weinberg. I am only going to be an incoming freshman this year, so don’t 100% take my word. Someone else may have better information, but I hope I may have helped a little!</p>

<p>Depending on the major you’d be interested in from the SoC, you should probably apply for admission there as it’s easier to transfer out of the SoC than to transfer into the SoC. Not impossible, but not as easy as transferring into Weinberg.</p>

<p>If you have the grades, you can transfer between any undergrad colleges. If you don’t have the grades, you can still probably transfer between any undergrad colleges.</p>

<p>Thanks everyone for your input. That is what I thought we heard, but again, colleges blurring together…</p>