Channces for Average Guy at Some Big Schools? Help!

<p>I'll just get to the stats:</p>

<p>GPA- uw-3.91
Class Rank-31-511
AP's- Will have completed 6 AP's when done. The rest are honors classes.</p>

<p>Sat I- 1810</p>

<p>Sat II- USH-710 Math 1-690 Math II- 690</p>

-Basketball 4 years, two years varsity, team captain senior year.
-Stuco all four years. Vice President Junior Year, and Student Body President Senior year.
-Vice President of Math Club
-Founder of Ping Pong Club
-Founder of ACT/SAT prep class at school.
-Vice President of JSA (Junior statesmen of America)
-Member of Latin Club, International forum, and spanish club.
-Volunteered over 150 hours at local Hospital</p>

<p>I speak two languages, English and Arabic.
I live in Texas.
My parents immigrated here from overseas, so I will be first to attend college in the states.
Male/Middle Eastern</p>


U of Chicago
University of Texas

<p>Your SAT pretty much takes you out of contention at Columbia, UCLA (OOS), Northwestern, Chicago, Penn, Georgetown, Duke, and Vanderbilt. That's really the bottom line. Unless you are amazingly exceptional at something, you really don't have a shot at these schools.</p>

<p>Now, for NYU, USC, UTexas, and Tufts:
NYU: a slight reach; they have been known to have unorthodox admissions policies. Your good GPA will help here, as will your unique background.
USC: reach; tough admission standards and lack of unique ECs will probably end up with a waitlist/rejection.
Tufts: reach; they are quite numbers-driven and for you that's not good.
Texas: high match; you are in-state and have some leadership experience. Probably your best bet from the whole list.</p>

<p>Overall, you need more safeties. You need to get realistic about your chances. If it's your senior year, either retake the SAT and boost your score about 400 points or cure cancer. Then you'll have a shot at the likes of Duke, Columbia, Penn, Chicago, and NU.</p>

<p>You need to bring your sat up to 2000+ if you want a chance at any of these schools</p>

<p>I second gchris entirely. Your ECs and test scores will eliminate you from most competitive schools, but retake them and try to get at least a 2000+, which is statistically unlikely, but a possibility nonetheless.</p>

UCLA-Slight Reach
USC-Slight Reach
U of Chicago-Match
Penn-Match (except not wharton)
Georgetown-Slight Reach
University of Texas-Safety

<p>You don't know what you're talking about Rutgers Hopeful.</p>

<p>Your oblivious to the fact he is the first to ever go to college here. That means alot. When someone is first in the family to go college. And his background is not typical at ALL.</p>

<p>Many other applicants are also first generation college students. He's not as common as applicants who are not first generation college students, but he is still typical.
Plenty of other students exist who have better SAT 1 scores, all else equal.</p>

<p>First generation is not a hook.</p>

<p>You see, your just looking at the whole CC population. Obviously, his scores arent that great compared to the people on this forum. But, in the whole scheme of things, he is good for the schools listed. You have been tainted by the peoples stats on this forum.</p>

<p>I compare him to the CC population AND other applicants who are not on this website. He is in the middle of the pack on this website; his profile does not "suck". You are not applying to these very competitive colleges, and yet you know an awful lot about them. I doubt your credibility because you had to make a chance thread yourself at Rutgers. You don't know your own chances.</p>

<p>That was wrong words, he dont suck. But he is not beastly compared to some other people on this site.</p>

<p>Columbia - REJECT
USC - ???
NorthWestern - REJECT
U of Chicago- REACH
Georgetown - SLIGHT REACH
University of Texas - ????
Duke - REACH
Vanderbilt - SLIGHT REACH</p>

<p>you need some more matches/safetis</p>

UCLA-Slight Reach
USC-Slight Reach
U of Chicago-Match
Penn-Match (except not wharton)
Georgetown-Slight Reach
University of Texas-Safety

<p>"That was wrong words, he dont suck. But he is not beastly compared to some other people on this site."</p>

<p>The grammar of that last post makes me want to cry. I'm not sure I'd listen to any advice out of your keyboard.</p>

<p>Agreed. Stop making things personal. That said, Rutgers Hopeful is so off the mark it's ridiculous. Gaffe is correct 100%. That's all.</p>

<p>How is it me making things personal. I am not the one instigating attacks on people. Im not a douche like that. If I think someone is wrong, I dont demean them etc.</p>

<p>people have been accepted to harvard with your scores, yes they may be reaches; but no do NOT give up</p>

<p>Yea, all these schools take a wide range of SAT scores. Getting a lower than 2400 SAT score is not like the end of your hope to get into a top college.</p>

<p>Sorry, RH. I meant to convey that it was NOT you making it personal.</p>