NYU (Stern)
University of Chicago
University of Michigan (Anne Arbor Ross)
<p>i wanna go into economics and later business</p>
<p>GPA - 4.1/8.2/98</p>
<p>course load - hardest possible since freshman year</p>
<p>transcript type - all A+s/As, one B+ in AP World</p>
<p>ECs - mainly centered in music and politics, don't feel liek listing them all (ex: two time all state, 7 time all county jazz ensemble), several awards in debate @ ivy league debate conferences</p>
<p>SATs - 1440, 800 math, 640 reading, retaking for 1st time in october, didn't study again so i'll probably improve maybe 40 points on reading; 730 physics/US, 720 math SAT II</p>
<p>my school doesn't rank us</p>
<p>i attend a public school in new york</p>
<p>any suggestions would be nice. i'd like to get some REALISTIC choices for that list too =)</p>
<p>btw happy new year to alll who are celebrating</p>
<p>my parents have a weird thing with state schools, i don't think i can go to one. i figured umich would be my safety because they accept you into the school first, and then into the b-program (i think??)</p>
<p>man, i just find it so hard to sit down n practice SAT stuff when i have so many other things to do ! =[. i know i have to raise the score, but especially on a holiday weekend, there are too many distractions</p>