Check Out My Grades!!! Urm!!


<p>1st Semester</p>

<p>Honors Alg 2- B
Honors Lang 2-A
AP Euro- A
Honors Chem- A
Spanish 2- A</p>

<p>2nd Semester
Honors Alg 2- A
Honors Lang 2-A
AP Euro- A
Honors Chem- A
Spanish 2- A</p>

<p>Junior Yr:</p>

<p>1st Semester</p>

<p>Visual Arts- A
Honors/AP Lang Composition-B
AP Physics B - B
AP Chem- B
Honors Precal- C+
US History Reg- A</p>

<p>2nd Semester- Hope Fully im praying</p>

<p>Visual Arts- A
Honors/AP Lang Composition-B
AP Physics B - B
AP Chem- B
Honors Precal- B
US History Reg- A</p>

<p>YEA I KNO, my grades dropped alot. i forgot why i was really trying so hard.. no ambition.halfway thru junior yr 2nd semester when i started to do community service in a retirement home.. i realized that i wanted to help people who couldnt help themselves, which made me want to become a doctor.. All this i will explain to admission. oh btw, Can someone tell me what my UC gpa is with this and my UW and W... i think my school records are jacked for some odd reason..</p>

<p>bump bump bump</p>

<p>To find your W GPA:
For all your Honors and AP classes, the rest are the same as UW.</p>

<p>To find your UW GPA:
For all classes</p>

<p>To find your UC GPA:
Use the same process as W GPA, except only weigh 8 semesters (of honors and AP). Then the rest are UW.</p>