Check out my possible internship.

<p>I'm very excited about this, my first possible internship. I hope i'm able to get it.</p>

<p>I''d to be working for the Chamber of Commerce for one of the counties in my state.</p>

<p>Basically what Id do is interview small business owners in the area about different things regarding their business.</p>

<p>Then Id write an acceptable and positive article about them, and then submit it to the local news papers. Id submit one article a week.</p>

<p>I'm very excited, as I know accountants are notorious for having poor written skills, I think this would help give my resumee an edge. Id will also be reporting directly to the director of the Chamber of Commerce which I think is very cool,</p>

<p>I meet with the guy selecting the intern on friday, I hope I can get this :D.</p>

<p>What do you guys think?</p>

<p>Is this a freshman internship?</p>

<p>Well, because of Credits from AP tests, and starting in the summer, i’m technically a sophmore already. However, this is my first year of University.</p>

<p>I got a total of 20 credit hours from getting a 5 on my AP Spanish.</p>

<p>I got 5 from a 4 on my AP english literature and comp.</p>

<p>I got 5 from a 4 on AP European history.</p>

<p>I got 5 from a 5 on AP biology.</p>

<p>I’m very excited and I hope I can get it :D</p>