Check Student $$$ Account Occassionally

<p>The other thread about health insurance reminded me to go check my S’s student bill in mybama. I do this ever so often, as any visits he makes result in a copay ending up there. (so do library fines and various other things, I’ve been told) Sure enough, there was a balance owing. My S very recently added a course this past Wednesday, which was the deadline for doing so. There was an additional fee for this course, which I had forgotten would appear.</p>

<p>UA does not send out any reminders whatsoever to pay amounts owing in your student’s account. Be forewarned so you are not assessed late fees: check (or have your student check) occasionally to be sure there is no balance on the account from month to month.</p>

<p>Also, don’t forget to fund their BAMA Cash account, if they want clean clothes :)</p>

<p>Thanks for the reminder! Happy to see that son is actually using his meal plan. I gave him a talking to about too much Dining Dollars and Bama Cash being spent, when I had bought him a meal plan. He’s got midday classes, and I see he is eating lunch at Fresh Food rather than the Food Court, at least for now. He’s taking French, and I hope that means he’s making some new, younger friends.</p>