chem 1 advice from anyone whos taken it?

<p>I'm taking chem 1 next semester and I'm scared out of my pants. I will be a soph in college in the fall and I SUCK at math and am still getting in the groove of college. It took me a whole week to study for my gen bio 1 (for majors) test, granted I did fairly well but just an example. Also..I'm in a remedial math course and I have one more to take (this summer 1 session) before I can take my coll algebra pre rec for chem 1 (this summer 2 session) so I will be free to take my chem this fall and I'm looking for any advice for a slow and very visual learner... I am taking on a lot next semster (3 labs) and want to make all As hopefully...I'm stressed out this semester as it is and I'm not even taking hard classes lol but if someone can shed some light on how they did it, stress relief tips and balancing the subjects /study times that would be awesome. Did you guys study for all your hard subjects in the same day? (All my 3 classes, chem 1, bio 1407 and phych stats lectures- not labs are on mwf)</p>

<p>With Chem101, I always started at least a week before the exam so I could space it out and ensure that the info just didn’t stay in my working memory. I’d spend two days brushing up on textbook problems that gave me issues, and my profs usually gave at least two or three practice exams. So I’d spend a day each on those, then spend two days reviewing the problems I had issues with then did a final work through of each practice exam, trying to do an entire one within the exam testing time frame.</p>