Chem 112A or Chem 3A

<p>We get to choose for our major requirements. Honestly, I'd choose Chem 3A except for the fact that it's really difficult to get into their labs. What do you guys think is the better choice?</p>


<p>I’m not enjoying it, but I’ve rationally decided that having the easier A is worth more than satisfying my own sense of intellectual pretentiousness.</p>

<p>EDIT: I want to get in here for grad school, though. If I didn’t have a fair concern about GPA, I’d take 112 in an instant.</p>

<p>Is 112A that hard?</p>

<p>The contrast is supposed to be rather jarring, yes.</p>

<p>It’d be easier than 4A, probably, but…well, yeah. OChem is fun either way, though, so…yeah.</p>