Chem 2080 enrolling question?

<p>I had a change of plans for my tentative major, and the new major requires I take chem 2080 next semester. I did not enroll for the course during pre-enroll and there are only 4 lab seats in total that are open on Student Center. I am willing to make amends to my schedule to fit in this class, as it is with the current available labs chem 2080 doesn't fit. I'm worried though when I finish making those changes when add/drop opens, that the labs will be filled up. There is an online wait-list for labs, but I am probably near the end of that since I signed it in December. They do say if you show up during labs and someone who was supposed to be there isn't, they take you off the wait-list, but I am doubtful to how many people will not be present for the first lab. </p>

<p>Since chemistry 2080 is a class that is required by a lot of majors, I thought anyone that needed to take it to be in track with their major, would be able to take it, but I am not so sure now. Does anyone have experience with enrolling in this class or other courses, and any advice on what I can do now?</p>

<p>what major do you have that requires that you take 2080 next semester? if there is a requirement that you definitely need to take it now, then perhaps that will give you an advantage if you make a case for an available spot. I haven’t done that personally but you might as well try.
if you just need to take that course eventually before graduating and you have time, then you might need to wait till next time around.</p>

<p>Thank you for your reply. The major is chemical engineering.</p>