Chem 3570 (Orgo)

<p>Here are the materials required for the class:</p>

<p>"CHEM-3570-1,2 (Lecture) Org Chem For Life Science, Instructor: GANEM</p>



<p>$135.25 NEW</p>

<pre><code>ISBN: 9781936221059"

<p>I was wondering whether what the SG/SSm and Darling MO were and whether they were actually required?</p>


<p>I’m guessing the SG/SSM is the study guide/solutions manual and the Darling MO is the model kit. While they aren’t technically required, I would still purchase both because they do help.</p>

<p>[</a> Organic Chemistry (9780195119992): G. Marc Loudon: Books](<a href=“]”></p>

<p>For Orgo, an old textbook should be fine. However, you definitely should consider getting the model kit.</p>

<p>the price they have for the kit at the Cornell store is actually not a bad deal. i doubt you would put the three pcs together via online for less. But maybe.</p>

<p>On the first day of my orgo class (many moons ago), the prof told us that we get an exclusive deal on the Loudon book set b/c of the author’s relationship with the prof/Cornell.</p>