Chem and Math II

<p>Ok, I just had a nervous breakdown because a lot has been going on.... Like I have to take the ACTs in Feb. and try to score a 33+, I have finals this week, I have to do AP tests, and then study for the SAT subject tests. The catch is that I have to study for the subject tests simultaneously with finals for second semester because the testing date is like right after I get out! (Like literally that weekend.)</p>

<p>SO ANYWAY, I was just wondering which prep book is best for the subject tests. I am going to take the chem and math II. (I am currently in AP chem at my school, so this is REALLY good.) I already have the Math I and II prep books by PR, but are they any good? Also I need one for the subject test for chemistry.</p>

<p>Help please...</p>

<p>Although i didn’t really study out of prep books because my Chem course was geared for the Chem SAT II (i learned everything in class), I felt that the Barron’s Chem SAT II book was really good. They provide 4 tests in the back of the book that are good indicators for how you are doing. I also read over Spark Notes and took their quizzes and I bought the Official SAT Subject Test book from College board to take their test.</p>

<p>*Since your already in AP Chem, you should be pretty well geared for the content on the test. Just use Barron’s and the Official SAT Subject Test book to take tests (5 in total).</p>

<p>I used Princeton Review for Math II and thought it was pretty good. There are a few very minor mistakes, though.</p>

<p>If I recall correctly, I ended up using Barron’s for both Chem and Math II. Both were very good books. The Math II went beyond the actual test, but included everything that could have been on the test. In that aspect, it was solid. I don’t know much about PR for those two subjects, however.</p>

<p>I used Barrons Math II exclusively and Barrons and Princeton Review for Chem (Mostly Princeton Review) I got an 800 on Math II and a 790 on Chem</p>

<p>hahaha i have gone through every single chem book on the market (seriously). PR, barrons, mcgraw-hill, kaplan, collegeboard SAT II book, you name it. honestly? PR was kinda wimpy in the review section, but had decent practice tests. barrons was strong in the review section, but had tests that don’t match the actual thing. mcgraw-hill had so-so review, tests that don’t match the actual thing. kaplan had decent review, but the answers to the tests had a LOT of obvious errors.</p>

<p>verdict: use barrons’ for review, practice tests–just avoid barrons, kaplan, and mcgraw-hill.</p>

<p>math was easy-schmeezy…i just go the collegeboard math I/II practice tests book and did the math II tests…and i got an 800.</p>

<p>When you say that the barron’s tests don’t match the real thing…do you mean they are too easy?</p>

<p>Barron’s are FAR too hard.</p>

<p>For Chem, I recommend PR for good review of the concepts and decent tests. I also HIGHLY recommend SparkNotes. Their tests are very close to the real thing. A word of warning though - the SparkNotes tests are also harder and have a less generous curve. If you’re scoring under 700 on SparkNotes, don’t be discouraged. I never scored above 700 on SN and got an 800 on the real thing.</p>

<p>Math2: Barron’s is complete overkill. I recommend PR and Sparknotes again. SparkNotes is a tad easy, and PR is a tad hard (the exact reverse of Chemistry), but they make a good combo and you should be prepared to get an 800. Don’t freak out if you don’t know how to do every single question, because the last 1-2 are also ridiculous. I got a 780 on Math 2 with those two study materials.</p>

<p>Barron’s Math Level II is a complete KILLER! If you can do mid 600s on that, you can get mid 700s on the real thing =)</p>