<p>What would you consider the better of the two? and why? I've been researching and I heard Berkeley has an amazing chem program but I don't know if that's just their graduate program. Thanks!!!</p>
<p>The only difference between a chemistry department at one school and another is the research being performed, and therefore the money and professors involved. If Berkeley has the research that you might want to check out as an undergraduate, go there. If San Diego has it, go there. If you don’t plan on stepping inside a research lab as an undergraduate, then there will be little difference for you, if any.</p>
<p>at the undergraduate level, it REALLY doesn’t matter. i went to ucsd, my best friend went to cal, and we both majored in chem and wound up at respectable PhD programs.</p>
<p>you might even argue that berkeley has the stronger chemistry graduate program, meaning that their professors and teaching assistants are so research-focused that education becomes a side task. this is the case at all strong research universities, but maybe at berkeley just a wee bit more than ucsd. </p>
<li>chem/biochem BS 2006, chem MS 2007 (and pharmacology MA 2008, just to complete the trifecta)</li>