Chem class instructors

<p>When will the Chemistry department assign instructors to the classes for fall? Really irritating that they do not make available the name of the prof for the classes. Only department I know of who does not.</p>

<p>In the “misery loves company” spirit, I’ll tell you that the chemistry department is not the only one that doesn’t have professors listed at registration time. For fall semester my D had to sign up for two classes where some or all of the professors were not listed. She took some guidance from looking at who had taught the class at the same time in prior semesters and then hoped for the best. I suspect it’s done that way because the department truly isn’t certain about who will be teaching the particular sessions. I guess I’d rather see TBAs than sign up for a particular prof and have it changed after I registered. At least for a TBA class the student is likely to check back to see if a prof has been assigned (and try to change if necessary), whereas most students wouldn’t bother to check to see if the listed prof has changed.</p>