chem lab questions

<p>i know that med schools require 1 yr of genchem+lab and 1 yr of ochem+lab...</p>

<p>i only saw chem 6B lab offered by the chem department, so i was wondering where u would get ur other 2 quarters of genchem lab?</p>

<p>and for ochem, i noticed that the 4-yr plans only had like one ochem class per quarter (ie. whether it was chem140x or chem 143x)
my question is: we do take both a chem140 and chem 143 class per quarter right? so a total of 2 ochem classes, the lecture+lab?</p>


<p>not a med student, and most of my med school friends were chem majors, who took pretty much every chem class that ucsd offered ...</p>

<p>... but my one bio-major friend took the gen chem lectures (6A-C), the 6BL lab, the ochem series (140A-C), and one lab (143A) and is at UCD's med school. guess that was sufficient?</p>

<p>YEP astrina's right
general chem is 6A, 6B, 6C + lab 6BL
ochem is 140A, 140 B, 140 C + lab 143A</p>

<p>and yes, there is a C part to ochem series, blur.</p>

<p>If I had AP credit for the entire Chem 6ABC series, would it be wise to take the Honors series, even if the prof doesnt seem to have good ratings? I heard that being in the honors series only wins you bragging rights--nothing else, exp probably a lower grade.</p>

<p>Since several med schools don't accept AP credit for g-chem, it would be wise just to take the honors series....otherwise you will have to fulfill that gen chem requirement with upper-division chem classes. And if you got a 5 on the AP chem test, you'll probably do fine in honors anyway.</p>

<p>I am just taking O chem as my upper division chemistry class. Does that suffice?</p>

<p>ochem and gchem requirements are completely different things, and each must be fulfilled separately.</p>

<p>it's not unheard of for pre-med seniors to go back and take the entire gchem series in a single quarter to satisfy the entrance requirements. i think that's a much better use of your time than doing the honors sequence of genchem, especially if you're not a chem major. that time could be better spent doing other things, and the concepts you pick up in honors aren't nearly as applicable to the MCAT as the genchem skills you already possess via your 5 on the AP chem exam.</p>

<p>on sort of the same track, does anyone know if i can take chem6b and chem6bl in the same quarter?</p>

<p>i've had friends who have done it, but it's not recommended unless you already have a really strong foundation in gen chem (esp dimensional analysis) to begin with. i'd say most people take it concurrent with 6c. i took it after i finished the gchem series, and by then had no qualms that we hadn't been taught material.</p>

<p>thanks i think i'm going to wait until next quarter because webreg wont let me sign up it this coming quarter anyways. do you know if i can do all of the revelle hum requirements (1-5) at community college?</p>

<p>for the third time, yes.</p>

<p>How would you take the entire gchem series in one quarter? Just all three at once?</p>

<p>uhhh ... really, now. :) how many other ways can you think up?</p>

<p>so basically there are 3 quarter lectures for genchem and ochem each, but there’s only one quarter lab for each subject
but in the end, that quarter lab will meet med school requirements?</p>

<p>^ (10 chars)</p>

<p>well, do you think you’re going to find any more genchem labs on campus?</p>

<p>probably not, i just thought that each quarter course had a lab associated with it
but if every1 else does it this way at UCSD and becomes a doctor, then i’m fine with it lol</p>

<p>some of us just become the less-useful kinds of doctors …</p>

<p><em>guiltily raises hand</em></p>