<p>i think my sat II scores are going to hurt me.</p>
<p>i took bio in 9th grade and got a 710. i took it again junior year and got a 790, but the 710 is still there.
i took chem in 10th grade and got a 700, which is an ok score but its 66th percentile. </p>
<p>Percentile for SAT IIs does not matter, score does. For high rank colleges the higher the better but 700 and above are good scores. Also, most consider highest two if they require two (three if the require three).</p>
<p>66th percentile on the SAT Chemistry is not bad at all. The people taking the subject tests are the people who know they will do well on them. So being in the top half of the Chem buffs is definitely a good thing :)</p>
<p>They won’t care about the 710 in 9th grade. That’s a damn good score for a 9th grader, but they care about the highest score. They won’t pay any attention to the other one, trust me.</p>
<p>Retake the chem if you must. I don’t know why you were taking SAT IIs so early, but what year are you in now?</p>