<p>which to take and why? besides the "chem112 is for chem majors and is also harder than chem3a"</p>
<p>Chem112a is required for MCB-Biochem, Track 2 (Biological Chemistry), and possibly some other chemical biology-like majors. Otherwise, Chem3A will suffice.</p>
<p>I'm a BioE major and possible CivilE major, and i have the option of 3a/b or 112a/b.
I wanted to do 112a because it seems more interesting, but I'm not sure if i want to do the extra work</p>
<p>I'm a total slacker</p>
<p>lol then just go with 3a, why are you even debating it</p>
<p>3a is full</p>
<p>Then take it later or take summer school, screw 112</p>
<p>The biggest difference will be the kind of students you go to class with. The material covered is very similar, and exams will have more to do with the professor than the course number.</p>
<p>112 covers more material and goes into deeper depth when discussing different subjects. 3a is difficult in that the class is full of premed students who destroy the curve. Although, it's not like the curve in 112 is all that great either.</p>
<p>I'm the CoC and we have to take 112a not 3a. just like how we have to take chem 4a instead of chem 1a</p>