<p>why is the chemical engineering department at UIUC in the collge of arts and sciences instead of the college of engineering? How is UIUC chemical engineering too?</p>
<p>Don’t know, but it made for a rather embarassing moment for some when, at registration, the lady giving our introduction asked “Are there any ChemEs here?” When a few raised their hands, she informed them they were in the wrong meeting :p.</p>
<p>It may be because chemistry is in the LAS, and ChemE is more closely related to chemistry than engineering.</p>
<p>Yeah, I think iceburns got it right. I can’t think of any other reason. They also don’t really have ANY classes on the Bardeen Quad anyway. They are all down on the main quad in the chem buildings. Probably just easier to administer a major that takes place south of Green from an office that is south of Green.</p>