Chemical Engineering Major

<p>After some research on CC, I’m finding there may be a summer requirement for chemical engineering majors which can be costly for out of state students. Does anyone know if this summer class is still being required?</p>

<p>I looked on the UofA website, and the course is still listed on the flowchart. I may need to change my intended major.</p>

<p>I am going to have to look into this req’t. This subject keeps coming up. I asked my son over Fall Break about this (he’s ChemE) and he said that the class is being moved to the regular semester. But, we keep hearing that and yet it’s still there.</p>

<p>So, I will find out. </p>

<p>If they’re going to keep it, I’m going to see if it can be charged to a semester. Bama sometimes allows this.</p>

<p>Thanks for looking into it. I’m NMSF and Alabama is my first choice due to the scholarships. It’d be hard to come up with the extra money for a summer class. I want to go to med school, so I can change to another major, but I thought chemical engineering would be something I’d enjoy.</p>

<p>The summer lab course will be phased out. The logistics are being worked out, but once the solution is worked out, there will no longer be a required summer course.</p>

<p>Are there any premed students out there who do Chemical Engineering at the University of Alabama? Is it possible to maintain a high GPA? I realize that this is somewhat of a subjective question. But I am trying to see if it can be done.</p>

<p>Reason I ask is it is generally considered tough to get high GPA ( > 3.6 ) in Engineering majors in most colleges.</p>

<p>i wish you would look into this mom. i emailed about it some time ago and the answer didn’t really even give any hope that it was being phased out. i just figure that if my kid is getting free tuition for 4 years, we can suck up and pay for the summer thing if we have to, but, of course, we don’t want to! i would appreciate it if it would move to a regular semester (and hopefully be able to fit in one of the required (and funded) 8 semesters). one could take some of the basics at CC at home to make room in one’s schedule, if need be (and do that far cheaper than the cost of the summer at UA.</p>

<p>does anyone know if you have to take the summer lab (or whatever it is called) between junior and senior year, or could you take it the summer after spring semester senior year? i know this would delay graduation, but if circumstances called for it, would that be an option?</p>

<p>quietthinker - my daughter is in ChemE but is NOT headed for a career as a ChemE. she will do either pharmacy or PA or some other type of school. so far, she has been able to maintain a GPA > 3.6. </p>

<p>she is a good student, but not a crazy smart NMF type of kid, so i think it is doable if you focus as much time on schoolwork as is needed.</p>

<p>mom’s son is premed in ChemE and i am pretty sure he has a GPA > 3.6.</p>

<p>We are very curious about this as well. How much would the summer lab course cost?</p>

<p>For those with the Presidential scholarship, I strongly recommend writing to Dr. Bonner and requesting that those scholarship holders be allowed to charge those credits to the fall semester (or a combo of fall/spring…like half and half).</p>

<p>I think if Dr. Bonner hears from enough people, that will happen.</p>

<p>I would stress that it’s not a good idea to have kids choose ChemE as a major, and then have them change to another engineering area just to avoid that summer cost…especially for an OOS student with OOS rates.</p>

<p>Dr. Judith Bonner
Affiliation Staff
Position Executive Vice President and Provost
Department Academic Affairs
Room/Building 254 Rose Administration Building
Box Number 870114
Phone 205-348-4892
Second Phone<br>
Fax 205-348-9137
Email <a href=“”></a></p>

<p>“Are there any premed students out there who do Chemical Engineering at the University of Alabama? Is it possible to maintain a high GPA? I”</p>

<p>My son is ChemEng’g and pre-med. He has a 4.0 GPA so it is possible to have a high GPA and do ChemE and pre-med. Is it easy? no. Do you have to study…YES!</p>

<p>Even if you’re not ChemE…if you are pre-med, getting a high GPA in the pre-med pre-reqs is difficult. Those are weeder classes.</p>

<p>I realize that this thread is a couple of years old, but I have the same question. On the welcome letter from the Eng. School, there is a footnote referring to the required summer lab for ChemE’s. On the flowcharts with the course sequencing, it looks like there is an option to split that requirement into a Fall and Spring semester duo. Does anyone know if this is true? If there is another thread someplace in here dicsussing this, please let me know. Gracias! </p>

<p>321 and 322 are substitutes. </p>