<p>Does anyone know how well regarded the university of south carolina's chemical engineering program is regarded? I have heard mixed reviews about USC because it is traditionally not an engineering college, but I have also been told that the chemical engineering program is one of the best in the southeast. I am currently considering attending the university and was also wondering if it would be more beneficial to attend Clemson University for the same major. By the way, I am a resident of South Carolina and hoping for scholarships from these institutions.</p>
<p>If your interest is specifically chemical engineering, I would take USC over Clemson. It is a well-structured high quality curriculum, with qualified faculty very involved in research.</p>
<p>I have a number of friends in the program, and they seem to do very well after graduating.</p>
<p>here, the funding for chemical engineering of USC ranks top 12 in America. Also, the fuel cell center(FCC) may be the most authorized center in southeast.</p>
<p>My son is a soph. computer engineering major, who was also accepted at Clemson but chose USC. USC’s engineering program is top-notch in all areas. One thing that the computer engineering program offers (and probably chemical eng. too) is a lot of opportunity for undergraduate research. We are also SC residents, and my son got no scholarship money offer from Clemson, but wonderful scholarship money from USC! He loves USC and we have been very very pleased.</p>