Chemistry 109 Curve

I am currently in Chemistry 109 at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. I have a 79% in the class overall and I have never received a C in my life. I have got good grades on all the labs, homework, and discussion worksheets, but the tests are killing me and I’m getting about average on each of the tests which is about a 64-68%. I was just wondering what a possible curve will be for chem 109?

Go to your discussion leader or 109 teacher office hours and ask them how to better study for the exams. Leverage them to a higher grade. They know more than anyone here.

Look at the grade distribution report to see what % of students earn an A, etc., from past semesters of Chem 109. You might feel better.

Definitely find out from the sources above. Excellent Chemistry department that did and presumable still challenges students. They also are heavily involved in chemical education- at all levels (nationally known for this). I still recall my Chem 115 honors class. One person might get an 80 something then the next scores could be under 70 on an exam (blue book of course). They did not try to ensure students got all of the questions answered correctly/fully but rather offered exams where even the most brilliant did not know all. Therefore a percent grade is meaningless out of context.

Your TA will know the meaning of scores. Plus, in something like chemistry it is never too late to figure out how to problem solve.

Hi, My daughter was in Chem 109 as a freshman. I believe her overall average was somewhere in the low 80s. She stressed all year about the curve as they said there was not one. However, they did curve it in the end. I believe she ended up with an AB or B. Don’t worry about it.