Chemistry at UW-Mad

<p>I recently got accepted at UW-Mad. UW-Mad admits students to a general course, so does it mean that the intended major I specified is not so significant? It's because I chose biochem and I want to change to major in an ACS chem major.</p>

<p>I am quite sure that I am set to major in Chemistry; can anyone please tell me what's so great about UW-Mad so that I would choose it over Purdue, Penn State and Michigan?</p>

<p>Thanks in advance.</p>

<p>UW has the best Chem dept of the schools on your list. #8 in the US. Nicer environment than Purdue and PSU. Cheaper and better than UM.</p>

<p>I wonder if Professor Sorum is still teaching intro chem. He'd be what, 110?</p>

<p>I chose Madison over Michigan, and am planning to major in Biology. Everybody I consulted said I should go to Madison as science departments, particularly chem and bio are much better than Michigan.</p>

so that I would choose it over Purdue, Penn State and Michigan?


Did you get admitted to Michigan too?</p>

<p>I agree with Barron. If you intend to major in chemistry or science, I would go to UW-Madison. Wisconsin offers the same excellent education and campus life as Michigan ... and is a lot cheaper. I should know. I attended both universities a long time ago.</p>

<p>I concur with above. Picked Madison for a non science major on the same reasons (nearly identical schools, madison actually has in my opinion a better communications department and the poli sci departments at the undergraduate level are too similar, BUT I save thousands and thousands of dollars)</p>

<p>i've said in previous posts that you can fudge in many, many classes and get away with it, and i still hold true to that. </p>

<p>but math and science are quite difficult to fudge. But don't expect to find top-quality chem professors at UW. Chem profs here are notorious among all student opinions for being crappy and unhelpful (except Middlecamp is very articulate; check out for chem profs) . They do have the necessary curves, which you will learn to appreciate. UW has nice facilities for all sciences. They don't skimp on facilities.</p>

<p>I think every single hard science major I know complains about the profs and I can't imagine any other big ten public is going to have any difference.</p>

<p>Well, I've made my decision. I am coming to UW-Mad. According to US News, UW-Mad's Chem dept is now ranked 7th overall nationally!</p>

<p>4th in Analytical
6th in Biochemistry
8th in Inorganic
8th in Organic
8th in Physical
9th in Theoretical</p>

<p>weird...those chemistry numbers are strikingly similar to UT-Austin's rankings.</p>

<p>Can you post UT-Austin's numbers? Those are 2007 ones.</p>