
<p>How are the Chemistry and Chemical Engineering programs here at WUSTL?
I haven't been able to find much information online.</p>

<p>Also, if anyone has any information on their psychology department, that'd be awesome too.</p>


<p>Chemistry and chemical engineering are both very good yet very intense majors. Chem majors are required to take Orgo, which is a very difficult course. Chem E’s have to take Orgo and PChem, which is even harder.</p>

<p>I think you have that backwards.</p>

<p>ChemE’s don’t have to take PChem (see table 1: [BS</a> in Chemical Engineering](<a href=“]BS”></p>

<p>Chem majors do have to take PChem ([Major</a> Requirements | Department of Chemistry](<a href=“]Major”></p>

<p>You’re absolutely right. My mistake.</p>

<p>I’m a chemical engineering major! It’s a really challenging major to be in, but I wouldn’t switch for the world because I’m really excited about what I’m going to get to do with my degree once I graduate. We are research-based; if you want to go into entry-level industry after graduation (power plant supervision, etc), this is probably not the place for you. If you’re interested in R&D after graduation (designing a power plant, etc), or applying you engineering skills to other fields, this is a great place to be!</p>