I’ve recently signed up for the electronic waitlist just in case I can’t get into a particular class & lab I want during the add/drop period.
However, I was wondering if anyone has had any success getting into a class off the electronic waitlist? I understand that I have to be in the class on the first day of instruction, but with some of the classes having so many students, I was thinking about looking at other options and saving myself a little stress.
If it’s a required course, all the spots are taken or conflict with other times, and you have to take it right that semester, you’ll be able to whine to advising to get in if no spot opens up.
Otherwise, you may need to accept a suboptimal spot. Wait lists can be competitive. I remember that chem 2090 first semester was absolutely packed.
More specifically, people generally had to “trade spots” to get a different time.
Thank you the reply Nataliedragon. Yes, I have a feeling that the lab time that I need will be extremely difficult to get into. I’m keeping my fingers crossed. 
You’ll learn to live with whatever time it is. Personally, I hated my second semester schedule since I had a ton of back to back classes(back to back from 9 to 3:30 every Wednesday is no fun), but I managed.
That said, good luck with your lab time!