Chemistry Major

<p>I've been researching opportunities for Biological Sciences majors with Bachelors degrees. From what I'm seeing, if I don't get into medical school, there is going to be very limited opportunities for a plan B with that degree. One person told me that failed medical school matriculation for Bio majors results in cleaning monkey cages at the zoo. It got me thinking and researching. I don't agree with them, but I think I would have more opportunities for advancement with another area of interest.</p>

<p>I'm thinking about switching to Chemistry. The classes I already have would count, so the transfer would be smooth. The problem is that Chemistry requires some math beyond basic calculus. The Bachelor of Science degree requires Math 1205 (Already have credit), Math 1114 (Already have credit), Math 1224 (Dropped), and Math 1206 (Dropped.) I don't mind retaking the courses, but before I commit to this I would like some information courses beyond that.</p>

<p>So do you any of you have experience with:
Math 2224 - Multi-variable Calculus
Math 2214 - Differential Equations
Organic Chemistry
Physical Chemistry
Analytic Chemistry?</p>

<p>What’s your gpa as a bio major?</p>

<p>I didn’t take my Biology courses at Virginia Tech. For the Biology classes I took, I got A’s in them. I took Chemistry at VT and got: B+ for the Lecture and A for the lab. Since I was originally engineering, I had to take Calculus and Linear Algebra. I didn’t have calculus coming into VT and my professor didn’t teach calculus at a level someone who had never had it could understand. He assumed we all knew how to do it, so I got a C. Linear Algebra was an A-. English 1105 was an A, Intro to Materials Engineering was an A. I figured it would be more helpful for you to know the grades than just a GPA. My 2nd semester at VT I kinda screwed up and dropped most of my classes since they were all engineering requirements and I didn’t need them. I’m taking the 2nd part of Chemistry this summer so I can enroll in O-Chem this Fall. So what do you think?</p>