<li>What kind of jobs are there for people who have a B.S in Chemistry?</li>
<li>How hard it is to find a job? Is it as bad as people say?</li>
<li>Is it really worth going to graduate school at this point?</li>
<li>What's more suggested? Masters or PHD in Chemistry?</li>
<li>What internships would you suggest that would look good on resumes?</li>
<p>You should ask Walter White, Althrough he went to CalTech and not a UC school</p>
<p><a href=“http://www.savewalterwhite.com”>www.savewalterwhite.com</a></p>
<p>Perhaps they should have specified LEGAL jobs that don’t involve committing felonies :-)</p>
<p>‘LEGAL’ is in the eye of the beholder.</p>
<p>Speaking of LEGAL, if you need LEGAL help, contact Ohama’s (formerly Albuquerque) best attorney.</p>
<p><a href=“http://www.bettercallsaul.com”>www.bettercallsaul.com</a></p>
<p>Legality is not in the eye of the beholder. Morality yes, legality no.</p>
<p>@2016candles disagree a bit… certain laws apply to certain people…but for the most part you a right.</p>