<p>Those of us who scored a 4 or 5 on the AP Chemistry Exam need not take the placement exam in order to take Chem 31X in the fall, correct?</p>
Students who earned a 4 or 5 on the AP Chemistry exam may place out of general chemistry and begin with Chem 33 in the winter if desired. Students who choose to take Chem 31X or Chem 31A/B will forfeit their AP credit in chemistry. However, premedical students should be forewarned that not all medical schools accept AP credit, and thus a student may need to take either a general chemistry course or a more advanced chemistry course in order to qualify for some medical schools. It is therefore recommended that pre-med students with a 4 or 5 on the AP Chemistry exam and who do not anticipate taking more advanced chemistry courses consider enrolling in Chem 31X rather than enrolling directly in Chem 33.