chemistry problems

<p>i go to a public school, and my chemistry teacher SUCKS. his idea of teaching is handing us a bunch of notes and reading over them once. he gives us some practice problems, but theyre all too easy and don't challenge us at all.</p>

on the test
he puts these ridiculous problems that are impossible</p>

<p>so in an attempt to be proactive, i was wondering
do any of you guys know of a good chemistry workbook/textbook that has a lot of challenging problems that would prepare me for his test?</p>

<p>Is it AP chem or regular/honors chem?
If it’s AP, use AP review books and [AP</a> / IB Chemistry](<a href=“]AP”></p>

<p>Barrons/Princeton Review prep book for AP Chem is pretty good
I dont have Barrons but I’ve heard it’s pretty detailed
I use PR and I really like it…but my teacher is really good so I use it before a test to kinda summarize everything/review certain things and I really like the 10-15 mulitple choice questions after each section…pretty close to the ones my teacher puts on the exam (he uses old AP questions)</p>

<p>There are also free response questions on the collegeboard website…or you can just try googling it. That’s also good practice! There’s quite a bit of stuff online floating around</p>

<p>I just checked out the link posted by LukeC and it looks really good!
THere’s some practice AP questions for each section of CHem (Kinetics, SOlutions…etc) and it grades it for you! </p>

<p>Thanks LukeC! That’ll come in handy.</p>

<p>i use Barrons AP and Cliff Notes regular chemistry which i like better over Barrons. But Barrons of course covers more topics</p>