Chemistry SATII Self Study

<p>Hey guys, if I were to self-study Chemistry this summer, what would you guys suggest?</p>

<p>I talked to a friend who took the Chem SAT II today (make-up date for ARML), and he said it was pretty bad. This was with no AP course and using Princeton Review. </p>

<p>I've never taken AP and I've heard Barron's is really comprehensive? I'm also thinking of using my AP textbook given to me for summer assignments. Thanks.</p>

<p>i self studyed with Spark Notes, it was pretty good 700 im not retaking</p>

<p>b ump
u p
p ost</p>

<p>i recommend taking ap chemistry, as it is the ONLY prep you need.</p>

<p>ditto accel.. i wish our school offered ap chem junior year.. -_-
anyways, without that built-in prepping, it was hard for me to find the time to read up on it.. i studied from barron's, and some of it was extraneous... most of it is on the sat ii test, just condensed.. but try to prep as much as you can... cramming does no good... :shudders:</p>

<p>oh yeah i did take ap chem a year beforei took the test, that helped with the overall picture when i went back a read SparkNotes the night before</p>

<p>I took AP Chem (probably my worst subject, btw) and got a 710 because I left so many blank. After studying for the AP exam the day before, I sat for the SAT II with no special prep and thought I did okay. You might want to look at the PR AP Chem book the week before the test for a light review of all the topics. (Barrons is also good, but much more in-depth.) I don't have any experience with guide books specifically geared toward the SAT II test.</p>

<p>Yeah, but what if I don't have the option of taking AP Chem before the test? I'll have about 2-3 months of the class before the test, but nothing too extensive. What should I do for self-studying?</p>

<p>Don't self study it without taking AP chemistry... it's not like chemistry is memorizing dates and people... you need a lot of experience
Self study US history or world history if you have to, but self studying for sat II is a really bad idea, you're going against people who have taken at least one year of the class first...</p>

<p>I'll be taking it in the fall. I haven't taken AP Chem, but i took an honors level intro to chem course sophomore year with a good teacher. However, i'm an entering senior so everything will be fuzzy. I plan to re-learn over the summer, using either sparknotes or PR. Defintley not Barron's, its too dense and will take you much longer to go through. Although, i suppose that might be helpful if you've never taken ANY chem course. But yea...go w/ PR of sparknotes if your lazy like me.</p>

<p>Let's say I was willing to put in a good 2 hour or so a day to chem. Would BArrons be good then?</p>

<p>i'd say since you have the summer, use barron's. i took ap chem and it had great diagrams and everything that were helpful on both the sat II and ap. so barron's is the way to go. you can learn all of first-year college chem from that book, i'd say. i didn't study it almost at all, since i had ap chem though. if you really want some good prep, download past ap chem frqs and do those. those helped me on the way to an 800.</p>