Chibearsfan...good news dude

<p>I hear that Michigan's Math department jumped from #8 to #7 in the new USNWR graduate rankings. Michigan's Biology and Chemistry departments also improved in the rankings, Biology up to #12 from #14 and Chemistry up to #17 from #21.</p>

<p>lol...don't tell him that. It'll get him too excited. He'll strip off all his clothes and yell Eureka through the Diag. It'll be embarrasing...the Daily will take pictures. He'll be cast as too weird for South Quad and will be forced to live with my fellow loonies in East Quad.</p>

<p>What's so strange about running accross the diag with no clothes on? If anything, he would probably fit in better at Michigan! LOL Seriously, I did weigh the consequences of sharing this information with Chibears, and the benefits seemd to outweight the drawbacks. Ok, so he will get bigger-headed and he may decide to run accross the Diag in his birthday suit. But think of the benefits. Instead of participating in the UMDM and feeting the already-obese squirrels on campus, Chibearsfan will retire back to the library and redouble his efforts now that his department has hit the big time! hehe</p>

<p>It looks like Michigan is 22 overall, better than Georgetown!</p>

<p>2nd overall public, tied with UVA!</p>

<p>What ranking are you referring to CCRunner?</p>

<p>I think you are referring to the 2005 USNWR overal undergraduate rankings. Michigan was tied with UVA and CMU at #22, above Georgetown. </p>

<p>I am now referring to the 2007 USNWR graduate school rankings. Michigan pretty much stayed the same in most fields. It dropped from #10 to #11 in the MBA ranking (which is strange given Michigan recent surge thanks to Ross's generous donation) and from #9 to #11 in Medicine (also strange considering Michigan's recent push in the life sciences). Otherwise, Michigan stayed the same in every field and it improved in Biology, Chemistry and Math.</p>

<p>Hmm, I already thought we were number 7. Well, good to hear we're going up. Not sure what caused it, but I'm feeling good about it. And Alexandre, no matter what the math department's rank is, I will always be the guy streaking across the Diag, and then feeding squirrels. While still naked. It's just so freeing.</p>

<p>Yeah, I was talking about undergraduate, my bad.</p>