chick in bio!!

<p>College of Arts and Sciences Biology Major</p>

<p>Weighted GPA: 4.9</p>

<p>Unweighted GPA: 3.95</p>

<p>SAT: 2200 (780 M, 690 E, 730 W)</p>

<p>ACT: 31 (35 W, 35 M, ~30 R, ~30 S, ~30 essay)</p>

<p>Rank: 6/297</p>

<p>APs: Bio, Psych, US, English, Calc AB, Calc BC, Euro (Chem-Self study)</p>

<p>Honors classes: Bio, Anatomy, Chem, English 1-3, Environmental Sci, Geometry, Alg 2, Precal, Civics, others i don't recall at the moment</p>

Key Club Sec/Treas 2 yrs + very involved 200+ hrs, club and committee leader
Cornell Summer College 2008 (Psych A-, Bio A)
4 elite internships over past 4 yrs
NHS, Beta, Math Honors, Science Honors-- tons of volunteering!!
Science Volunteer 100 hrs
Spanish Club VP
literature awards-1st place in several competitions for past 8 years
13 years dance (4hrs/wk)

Outstanding Orchestra Member (viola)
Musicianship Award
All-State Orchestra 1st chair
Literature awards in state/national competition
Elite dancer award x2
Junior Marshal
DAR award
National Honor Roll
NC Academic Scholar/President's Award
Many others, but these are more notable</p>

<p>My essays rocked</p>

<p>My recs were great</p>

Boston College

<p>On 1-10, what are my chances? 2? 8? 5?</p>

<p>THANKS! :^)</p>

<p>Pretty good, I think a lot will come down to how rigorous your classes were... if you've had the opportunity to take more honors/APs than you have, that will work against you. Other than that (possibly), you're a strong applicant. You'll definitely get into one of the schools you listed. I'd say maybe a 5.5/10 for Penn and Dartmouth, 7 for Cornell and Brown, 8 for JHU, 9 for BC, and I'm pretty sure you'll get into Syracuse. All this being said, of course, under the assumption that your essays really did "rock" and your recs really were great.</p>

<p>BC and Syracuse are your most likely.</p>

<p>You seem qualified for the others, but so does almost everyone else who applies for them so you just don't know. Just gotta hope for the best.</p>

<p>Chance Me Back At:
<a href=""&gt;;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>thanks guys</p>

