Chm 115

<p>On the syllabus, it says an A is an 85-100. B=75ish-85. Does anyone know if they give out A-, B+ etc.?</p>

<p>Depends on every professor. If that’s the grading system according to the syllabus then there are no +'s and -'s. Some professors use the +'s and -'s but some don’t.</p>

<p>Also I would write to the TA or professor when it comes to stuff like this instead of CC. There’s a reason for professors and TAs having an e-mail address and office hour…</p>

<p>No, I took the class grading is uniform, A, B, C, D F. No Plus or Minuses were given out. Its funny when I took Chem 115 I thought it was the hardest class ever now I look back and realize how easy it was.</p>