Choice between CWRU and UMD

I do think I need to calm down and think about it. I used to be too busy in applying and studying. Sometimes I just forgot to consider more about my future and what behind ranking.
Thank you for your suggestion!

It’s not.

UMD is a great school in its own right. If you are school #3 why would they want you ? You’vev shown a lack of commitment by then.

And a boss. Why would they hire you ? Same reason. I’d eliminate you based on that alone. You’d never even get the chance to explain why.

Commitment means a lot. Yes, there are reasons to transfer although in my opinion you don’t have one.

There are many UVA people working for UMD people. And even people that did not go to college.

You have fallen victim to marketing. Have you even looked at the criteria behind these rankings ?

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Make sense!
I never paid attention to things behind ranking. Do you think I need to search more about these two schools and find out which suits my hobbies and style best?

Fit. Which includes what u mentioned and can you afford it ir want to afford it is all that matters? You have to be there day after day after day. You have to enjoy it. A rank doesn’t impact that.

If you are establishing at UMD you are foolish to leave. UVA is higher ranked but not so much more than UMD. UMD will have more intern opportunities due to its location. Nationally UMD is considered strong.

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I once heard a student refer to the T-20 school he was attending as “like going to school at the DMV.” Careful what you wish for if you’re chasing a single, specious metric.

UMD has an excellent applied math program. I don’t think CWRU would be better. Overall rankings aren’t everything. You may have other reasons to transfer but I don’t think the strength of your intended major is an issue.
( I am a Ph.d UMd Applied Math alum)


I’d take that even further. Rankings for undergrads mean very little.

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Seems like “fit” for the OP is defined by some form of ranking. That is not all that unusual among posters on these forums.

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For applied math, see ranking of UMD , #13 nationally.