<p>Thanks for the responses. Sorry I have not replied sooner -- I have had strep throat and it has not been a fun experience.</p>
<p>jmmmom -- from our discussions, he seems to think NYU is a more prestigious institution than Tulane. He plans to be a college professor and feels NYU would be more beneficial and is more well-known across the United States. He would stay on campus at NYU -- not commute. Oh -- and NYU not only has the reputation for being expensive, it IS expensive.</p>
<p>Hi calmom. Thanks for your response. Although the scholarship money would be nice, cost is not the deciding factor for us. He said he could look at it as them "grudgingly letting him in the back door" or he could look at it as an opportunity. There are a lot of applicants who don't get in at all.</p>
<p>garland -- thanks -- see above.</p>
<p>Muffy -- thanks so much! We live in South Carolina and have experienced a few hurricanes, but fortunately we're not quite as low as New Orleans. I'm sure they would evacuate the campus in advance, should one be heading in their direction. I'm sure they're especially alert after Katrina.</p>
<p>paying3tuitions -- we won't be in debt from the education. He said, as far as he knows, he does not plan to remain in New York -- but time will tell. I suppose it depends on where he is employed.</p>
<p>Hi anothernjmom. I think he feels his opportunities may be better post college if he attends NYU as opposed to Tulane. He's also interested in NYU's Florence, Italy campus for a year. He plans to study history and minor in English Lit, I believe.</p>
<p>jasmom -- that's good to hear. :) I don't think of the GSP program as anything negative really. Of course, he would have preferred to have entered straight into NYU's regular program. He did well on his SAT and actually scored an 800 on the writing test, but his GPA -- although not bad -- is not where it should be in comparison to his scores, so I think that's why he was not admitted into the regular program.</p>
<p>I am doing a little arm twisting -- :) -- and am going to make sure he visits both schools before choosing. We're also waiting to hear from two other schools. I feel it is best to actually make visits so he can try to experience the atmosphere as much as he can (in a short time) of each school. As for his earning power, part of what he explained to me is that he thought it may be better -- with his intended occupation -- to graduate from NYU as opposed to Tulane.</p>
<p>icy -- I have thought of safety as far as NO is concerned, but have not thought about the mold spores. :) Of course, when sending a child off to college, parents usually do have safety concerns. I know I did with my daughter -- and she went to the College of Charleston (South Carolina).</p>
<p>Thanks so much for all of your replies. I really appreciate them!</p>