Choosing a dorm room..

When you choose your room, which is bed A? Not that it matters, but you are asked to choose. Also, if you want to log back in and see if other rooms are available, is your current choice still saved unless you click through and choose a different room? Wouldn’t want to risk giving up the current room on the off chance something different is available. There were a surprising number of rooms still available in LLC floors today. Are those rooms now open to anyone? There were also some extra large doubles that were previously triples. Are they at risk of being turned back into triples once the rooms have all filled up?

In case anyone else is interested, we called housing, they didn’t know which bed was “A” or “B”, you can log back in and search for other rooms until June 10th and as long as you don’t hit submit, you still have your original room, the untaken LLC rooms opened up either late Thursday or early Friday (I believe they filled quickly), and the extra large doubles will not be turned back to triples.