Yeah dude. Japanese anime taught me how to say "KakaroTTO!!!!"
Huh? I've never heard that one. Which anime did you learn that from?
I've learned kawai!!! and sugoi!!! ;/</p>
In order to be truly fluent in Japanese though, you need to learn kanji as well (of which there are 15,000 plus characters.)
Actually, that's not true. To graduate from high school in Japan, one is expected to know all of the Jōyō</a>; kanji, of which there are 1,945. Even the Kanji</a> kentei, a test of kanji aptitude provided by the Japanese government, only tests 6,000 kanji at level 1, the hardest level.</p>
<p>Just posting to say that German is harder to learn than a romance language. The grammar and structure are less intuitive, and overall there are fewer cognates. It's a fun and worthwhile language to learn, but I've found that it takes way more effort than French or Spanish.</p>
<p>Italian is definitely an excellent choice in language. Not only is it a language you can use in parts of Europe, but there's an amazing Italian literary tradition. If you're at all interested in literature or art of the Renaissance, Italian is a good choice. It's also easier to pick up French or Spanish after you've learned Italian.</p>