<p>Leaving out Accounting, Finance, Economics and CIS – what distinguishes the other majors from one another?</p>
<p>Is Business Entrepeneur better than the Business B.A, what about the B.S. in Management?</p>
<p>Do the Barretts students typically choose one particular business major over another?</p>
<p>The business BA program was essentially established to allow students that had multiple interests the ability to pursue both business and their other interests. All business majors within WP Carey have the same core, which means you’re getting a quality business background no matter what you’d like to do. Barrett students don’t have a preference over any type of business degree, although I will admit they tend to be BS students rather than BA students.</p>
<p>Supply Chain Management is the business core and establishes a grounds in SCM. This is basically moving product around the most efficient way possible.
Management is the most basic BS business degree that WP Carey offers. I’d say it compares to a general business degree. Entrepreneurship is a track you can take within the Management program that is geared more toward starting your own business.
Marketing is one of the most popular degrees that WP Carey has. It is probably the most creative major offered through the business school.</p>
<p>Ultimately, choosing a major is something you have to do on your own, and not because other students are doing it. Major in what you’d like to be when you graduate and do something that you love. That’s all I can really say on the subject. WP Carey has a website that basically states all of the information I said above; go ahead and read it. It can’t hurt.</p>
<p>[Choosing</a> a Degree - Undergraduate - W. P. Carey School of Business](<a href=“http://wpcarey.asu.edu/undergraduate/business-degrees/choose-degree.cfm]Choosing”>http://wpcarey.asu.edu/undergraduate/business-degrees/choose-degree.cfm)</p>
Thanks for the extra info. How feasible is doubling majoring in business and something in, say, Herberger? How does that work out logistically between the two schools?</p>
<p>Also, I know it is difficult to nail down stats for Barrett’s admissions. but at what point test score-wise would you say a non-hooked student has a good shot, given solid GPA and ecs? ACT 30? 31? higher?</p>
<p>It depends what major you start out as. If you start out as a WP Carey major and petition to add a Herberger major, you’d have to go through the Herberger concurrent application, which I am not familiar with, but if you start out as Herberger and add WP Carey, you’d have to go through the WP Carey concurrent degree application, which basically requires GPA, rec letters, etc. I also don’t know many people who double major in majors from two different colleges. The problem with Herberger specifically is that most of their programs are 8 semester programs that you cannot complete early, meaning that you’re forcing another year of college no matter how you spin it, if you enter as a WP Carey major. Most concurrent applications also require you finish about 3 semesters of coursework before you apply (although that varies).</p>
<p>As far as Barrett chances go, the competition gets tougher every year. I know students that get in with less than a 30 ACT, but I would say that a 30 is about the low cut off. You do have to check that your ABOR GPA is high, not just your regular HS GPA. The ABOR GPA is essentially your HS core classes (there’s a description of what’s included here: <a href=“https://students.asu.edu/freshman/requirements[/url]”>https://students.asu.edu/freshman/requirements</a>)</p>