Choosing a Teacher (Recommendation Letters)

<p>Alright, so I've got three recommendation letters from my math (2 years+EC), biology/health, and English teachers, but most universities only allow two. Now, I'm using my bio teacher's rec for sure, but I'm slightly conflicted as to whether I should use my English teacher or math one for the 2nd rec. </p>

- Shows that I'm well-rounded (sciences + language/humanities)
- Academically the best student in her class.
- Don't really know how she feels towards me, as a person.
-Even though she does acknowledge that I'm a great student <em>academically</em>, I don't feel like she would write anything spectacular. Apart from getting superb grades, I don't really feel like I stand out in her class?</p>

- Mentored me during the training period for a robotics competition.
- Knows me well, personality-wise.
- I know she likes me.
- My in-class behavior is a lot better in English than it is in math.
- Amongst the best 4 students in her class, but I wouldn't really say "the best."</p>

<p>Any input would be great and much appreciated!
Thanks. </p>

<p>Definitely use your Math teacher’s recommendation. She knows you a lot better, so she will be able to write a more thoughtful, accurate letter that can comment on you inside and outside the classroom. Although colleges like to hear “this student is intelligent, well behaved, ect” (what your English teacher would say), it doesn’t really say much about your character except that you are smart (which will already be reflected in your transcripts). </p>

<p>One of my recommendations is coming from my most challenging class, the one I work the hardest in. If you’re getting an easy A, you probably don’t need to put that much effort in, so the teacher won’t have a lot so say.</p>

Yeah, that makes sense! Guess I’ll go with my Math teacher’s rec. Thank yoouuuu. </p>
