<p>Which one would you choose, and why?</p>
<p>Which one has the best reputation?</p>
<p>Which one would you choose, and why?</p>
<p>Which one has the best reputation?</p>
<p>overall: UVA> UM> and BC. selection depends on your major.</p>
<p>Nonsense. UM=UVA>BC How could anyone place Virginia over Michigan? They are peers.</p>
<p>I want to major in the social sciences or humanities. I got accepted to BC Honors Program, and still waiting from UVA and UMich.</p>
<p>How do u weigh BC Honors and those two schools? </p>
<p>How do you compare UVA and UMich academics? Social scene? Opportunities?</p>
<p>Are you in state for UVA or UMich? I’d take UVA and UMich over BC, but depending on whether or not I lived in Michigan/Virginia, that would be the deciding factor.</p>
<p>UVA are UMich are hard to tell apart because they are, as rjk said, essentially peers. I know for sure that both of their undergrad bschools are top tier (though I’d put Ross over McIntire).</p>
<p>Also, consider the size differences. Michigan has about 40,000 total students; 25,000 undergrads. Virginia has about half of both categories, and BC is even smaller.</p>
<p>I’m international student, so the money issue is a problem. I dont qualify for any aid except for the Ivy League schools.</p>
<p>I really want to go BC. But considering if I go to UVA or UMich, I’d be able to save ~$10k per year. Any thoughts?</p>
<p>If you really want to go to BC then that’s where you should go. You’re going to be spending a fortune anyway so what’s an extra 40k?</p>
<p>I was actually deciding between BC Honors and UM a few years ago. In the end, while both are great schools, everyone around me advised me to go to Michigan. Where I’m from (east coast) the Michigan name simply carries much more weight in nearly every field.</p>
<p>CCRunner123, that’s interesting. Even though I’m international, I’m in the East Coast now (Maine, ahh). </p>
<p>I have not asked people around me yet, because I’m still waiting from some more schools. How is UM so far?</p>
<p>Have you visited BC yet? What do you think of the student body? I went to their Admitted Honors Day and were struck by the lack of diversity of the student body.</p>
<p>I visited BC 3 years ago when I was applying to college and found it to be pretty homogenous, although the campus is beautiful, probably more attractive than that of Michigan. Moreover, its proximity to a major city like Boston was pretty enticing. But, in the end, everyone said Michigan was much better and more recognized, so I heeded their advice, packed my bags, and headed out to the midwest. I don’t regret the decision at all, I’ve enjoyed my time here.</p>