Choosing between Stanford and Duke+Roberston Scholarship

<p>Here's the deal folks. I am admitted into Stanford (early approval), and I am a finalist for Robertson (one of the best full rides in the country: Robertson</a> Scholars: Homepage). I know it's presumptuous to ask this question, as Robertson decision hasn't been made and won be until about a month. But, unfortunately, once the decision is made, there will be precious little time to make up my mind. Robertson wants decisions made by April 14. </p>

<p>So i have begun to ponder about this question. i would appreciate your honest feedback which may be helpful to me and perhaps other Robertson finalist who might have make a difficult choice. (you can insert Princeton and Harvard in place of Stanford, two other schools that I have applied to, which will cause me some grief if I had to let go).</p>

<p>i also feel that everyone will be in a mad scramble choosing among their top choices, there is little time for reflection on this question.</p>

<p>details wise: I am leaning toward engineering, possibly biomedical. I know D is good in biomedical. But S is all around good in engineering and the rest.</p>

<p>$ wise, S is giving me about 19k leaving about $35k short - that's $140+ k for 4 years.</p>

<p>my parents tell me to make decision independent of $, but I know it will be a strain on them (second mortgage) given the economy.</p>

<p>please let me know. I posted this on D and S boards. But, I wan to hear some parents' opinions, perhaps their kids or themselves faced such a difficult decision. i want to evaluate it from all respects. </p>

<p>Thank you.</p>

<p>fwiw assume anything you post will be read by the scholarship committee and those in admissions/fa at other schools you are considering.</p>


<p>go to Duke..for sure...their biomedical is ranked second in the son is a senior...with friends in this major. feel free to PM if you like.<br>
If you fare well in biomedical, my son tells me it is the most versatile major on going to med school 100% acceptance..that is what he says..I can't confirm if he was being "expansive" welcomed into rare business jobs who weren't ready to do grad going into engineering jobs...</p>

<p>think Job Market, no matter if you have Stanford realistic. We are in a downturn that will last a long time. Duke biomedical will get you ready and the faculty is great...</p>

<p>my son is an orchestra person who has done two trips abroad..and met fascinating peers and had very personal relationships with many teachers. He says my grandchildren will be going to Duke and he will have to be dragged out of there this summer. He has loved his classmates from the first hour.
If you like California..lots of Duke students are from there and many alum are in San Fran.</p>

<p>I am somewhat shell shocked after paying for duke however...and our second son is shorted...also we are now not able to help with grad school, and I am also quite taken aback at how much grad school will cost. Save your parents and their good will for your second college degree.</p>

<p>oh, yes and be prepared to have folks like us find your question a bit hard to we all "wish" for the Robertson and HOW since the Demise of Wall Street.</p>

<p>Wish my son had taken one of his several full-ride offers. So does he. We will not be able to help him with law school.</p>

<p>Duke Medical and the National University of Singapore have a big affilliation now. Stanford seems late to the game in expansion into the growing expansion of US academia into Asia (my H and I are alums and follow this stuff from a periphery).</p>

<p>This is hardly a deal breaker for an undergrad, but I think we all have to be thinking outside the box these days. </p>

<p>If my child had a free ride at Duke, in the modern era, I believe that I would make the decision for them no matter where else they were accepted. You cannot predict what things will be like in 5 years, but having $140,000 in your pocket will never be a bad thing-- and Duke is not even a step down for what you are interested in.</p>

I know a young adult who is a past Robertson scholar at Duke, and he felt it was an incomparable experience. I'm sure you know a lot about what this scholarship has to offer so I won't repeat the details here. Duke is a fabulous university, and the chance to attend on a full ride should make this virtually a no-brainer if you are lucky enough to be offered the scholarship. Remember that you will be competing against similarly amazing students.</p>

<p>I have sometimes cautioned students on these boards about the possible disadvantages of taking a merit scholarship at an inferior school.</p>

<p>But this is not an inferior school. This is Duke. I see no downside whatsoever to accepting the scholarship if you get it. Except maybe the humidity in North Carolina.</p>

<p>A full ride PLUS a ROBERTSON SCHOLAR?? this is the ultimate no brainer. DUKE!</p>

<p>Duke and Standford are peers. Would that make your decision easier? :-)</p>

<p>Go Duke..........</p>

<p>There is no question - if you are awarded the Robertson - then you should not even consider Stanford. Not only is Duke a great school, participating in the Robertson program makes it an absolute no brainer.</p>


<p>I would also pick Duke over Stanford.</p>

<p>In the current economic situation with guaranteed stipends for the summer, I think Duke is a no brainer.</p>

<p>Duke 100% (if you get the scholarship), if not then Stanford is probably a better financial option. Oh and congratulations you must have absolutely amazing stats to be a finalist.</p>

<p>If you have applied to Harvard or Yale and find out by April 1st that you are getting a really good financial package from them, then you might end up regretting. If you think you are eligible for aid from one of these 2 universities, then it maybe worth asking the Robertson committee if you could let them know by April 2nd. Last year D was awarded the AB Duke scholarship which was also a full-ride and she was pretty certain she was attending Duke until she received her aid package from Harvard.If you have not applied to these places, then Robertson would be ideal.</p>

<p>^^I really hesitate to write this but here goes: for some students, in some circumstances, some schools will match this sort of scholarship offer. It won't hurt to let all your top choices (because obviously for the OP there will be top choices not a top choice imho) know what options you are considering before you make up your mind. fwiw</p>

<p>good luck!!</p>

<p>Hi all, thank you for your opinions. Full-ride is just too tempting. I hope I will have that choice when the Robertson decision is announced on April 3. Benefit of a visit to Duke end of the month will help.</p>

<p>why is Robertson yield is only ~72%? would it be higher this year, considering the economy? That may even make it more difficult in getting the offer. too many variables.</p>

<p>I did apply to H, Y, P, and M. So i will wait to see their fin aid packages. But based on what S gave me (~20 k) I don't expect to get much more more. (I would have if i completed CSS this month rather than last!!).</p>

<p>The decision deadline to Duke is April 14. so I do have some time to visit, even though it will not be during admitted students week at some. S admit week is end of April, so it makes it all the more complicated. </p>

<p>thanks to you all for chiming in.</p>

<p>itsme -- Is there any chance you could visit Stanford before April 14? There are advantages to making an overnight visit during an ordinary time rather than during an event expressly orchestrated to court admitted students. Even though you don't get the chance to meet some of the kids who will be your classmates, you do get an unvarnished look at the school.</p>