Choosing between UC Berkeley and UC San Diego?

So I’m an undergrad Biological Sciences major and I was wondering which school might be better for me to go to. I just want to know the pros and the cons of each, and about the overall atmosphere of the school (especially Berkeley, since I didn’t get to visit the campus); like what kinds of personalities would fit in best at each.

This decision really is tough for me. ^-^"

Visit UCB before you make a decision since you will be spending 4 years of your life at the campus.

As a Pre-Med, both schools will be very competitive. You will be competing with top students from all areas of the country so no Big fish in a small pond anymore. You will need to be very proactive in getting Research/Internships that are Medically-related to apply to Medical school. You be faced with “weeder” classes to cut the weak students from the rest of the group.

Are there any cost differences between the schools (include transportation costs since locations are at opposite ends of California)?

What did you like about UCSD? Are these your only choices or just your top?

@Gumbymom These are my top choices, and I won’t be able to visit UCB before May 1st because I live abroad and my parents do not want to make the long trip to the US unless it’s for a long break like Summer. :frowning:

And from what I know right now, it’s a little cheaper to go to Berkeley and I’ll be living on campus no matter where I go.

I liked UCSD’s overall feel, the programs available, the labs, and the proximity of hospitals, I also liked how the campus looked when I visited. Another plus is that my uncle works at the UCSD labs, and he may be able to connect me with some internships. My only concern is the social life, because I’ve heard so many people talking about how it’s “socially dead”. I don’t believe it entirely, but there must be some truth to it if it has become a stereotype.

I’m not looking to party, I just want to be able to have a group of friends that is down to go out and have fun. On a bit of a shallower note, I did love how close UCSD was to the beach. I’m looking to learn how to surf in college.

Berkeley looks like a place I’ll be academically pushed to the limits and perhaps even pushed in different ways due to the atmosphere of the uni and the town. It’s unlike anything I’ve experienced before.

@SierraLobo My niece is at Berkeley and she’s not too happy. She thinks the students are weird and too competitive. Plus, she’s homesick (from San Diego). I graduated from UCSD Revelle, and I can tell you that La Jolla, CA is one of the best places to go to school and reside in the country. Beaches, weather, the people, surrounding areas, etc…

UCSD med school is one of the best in the country.

You should visit UCB before making your final decision. Go by myself if your parents cannot make it. This is a big decision, choose wisely.

Below is a link to UC schools ranking by subject (Biology and Biochemistry):

Good luck!

@SierraLobo, I endorse the wise advice above. As a UCSD Bio grad who now teaches resident physicians, I can tell you that SD is rigorous indeed. The location is beautiful, as you noted, second only to UCSB IMHO. Published rankings are approximate. There is really no discernible difference in academics among the UC campuses as far as I can tell. A lot of the perception of prestige stems from research and graduate studies, which are irrelevant to an undergrad for the most part. In fact, one could argue that some professors who are distracted by the care and feeding of grant proposals and labs might not have quite as much interest in teaching. Go to the place that makes you feel good. You’ll be the most successful there.

@bighero8 @PadreDeTres

Thank you both so much! I am so grateful for your help! I’ve decided on UCSD after thinking long and hard. Go Tritons! :smiley: