UC Davis vs UC Irvine Psychology Major

Hi everyone! Thoughts on choosing between UCI and UC Davis? We will attend tours at both, but would love to hear opinions. Thank you!

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What is the intended major? Costs comparable? What are you looking for in the college experience? Is their currently a preference before the tours? Where do you currently reside for ease of transportation?

Touring is the best option to get a feel for the campuses which are opposite in many ways.

Psychology major. Likes Irvine better in terms of location, more urban, near beach etc., So Cal vibe, but worried about the overall social college experience, since we’re out-of-state and Irvine is supposed to be a commuter school. Davis looks like a more dynamic social scene? Likes to work hard, but also party and make lots of friends. In terms of academics and money it’s pretty similar from what I gathered. Thank you!

Irvine has been labeled a suitcase school not commuter so locals that attend will often go home on weekends. That said, UCI has a good social scene and there are many students that remain on campus.

If she likes the SoCal vibe, then UC Davis is the opposite. Down to earth, outdoorsy, laid back students that are collaborative. Sacramento is 20 minutes away along with the airport. Small town vibe surrounded by farmland. The town itself is the center of the social scene with restaurants, shops, cafes etc…

I think once you tour, she will know her fit.

Academically they are very similar.
I’d recommend browsing the class schedules for this year to get and idea of the variety of courses offered and class sizes.

Also check the 4 year Psychology plan for each campus.


There are differences between range of programs offered in field of psychology, my kid didn’t decide on area of focus between science / clinical /social concentrations in psychology so chose Irvine to have access to more options. Both Davis and Irvine are great choices!

Davis has BS and BA undergrad degrees (traditional): General Catalog - Psychology

Irvine has Psychological Science BA in the School of Social Ecology as third option (select P to view the programs): Undergraduate Majors and Minors < University of California Irvine

Agreed that the campus/town feel is opposite between Davis and Irvine. My kid enjoys access to commercial brands & amenities (Target, branded slow/fast food options/supermarket, & shopping centers), which are far more plentiful in Irvine. Cost of living is higher in Irvine (housing/rent, but facilities are modern). I think safety-wise both are very safe (I don’t see homeless in Irvine, but do at Davis). In 3rd year, kid continues to make new friends given desire to try out a range of social activities to let off some stream. Some of the more inclusive things done to date: working at Student Center, drumline w/ Anteater band at sporting events, & dance club https://newuniversity.org/2016/09/19/all-uci-7-dance-competition-celebrates-campus-dance-culture/#:~:text=For%20the%20event’s%20seventh%20year,MCIA%2C%20Urban%20Mótus%20and%20LVO. & then there are fun “underground” community micro events on campus such as All About Petr: The Stickers That Stole Hearts At UC Irvine — Unfiltered Life at UCI .

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Thank you, very helpful :slight_smile:

Thank you so much :slight_smile:

A post was split to a new thread: UC Davis vs UC Irvine gir Chemistry

I am also trying to choose between UC Davis and UC Irvine for Psychology as an out of state student. I worry a bit for Irvine because I’ve heard a lot of places close at nine, people are generally quiet, and it is empty on the weekends. I also worry that most people at Irvine will be from nearby whereas at Davis they might be more so from all over California. But I worry about Davis being cold and being an agricultural school I don’t have a preference between mountains and the beach, I’m mainly concerned about social scene.

There are many posts about UCI and UC Davis. UCI can be quiet but a very safe campus and most Freshman live on-campus so they do not all leave on the weekends. UCI is near several larger cities and the beach so plenty of things to do on weekends.

UC Davis gets cold in the winter sometimes in the lower 30’s (no snow but rain. Summers can get hot in the high 90’s or 100F. It is surrounded by farmland but Sacramento is 20 minutes away, San Francisco about 1 1/2 hours away and there are several small towns surrounding the campus. The campus and town are very integrated with restaurants, shops, bars etc…. A small town vibe but access to larger cities. Students are down to earthy, laid back, friendly, work hard but collaborative.

Hopefully you will be able to visit both campuses before making your decision since you are OOS and will be paying a premium in costs to attend, you want to make sure you will love the school you attend. Scour both UCD and UCI discussion threads to hear from students and parents first hand. Do not make any assumptions based on hearsay.

Here are some more discussions regarding UC Davis:

UC Irvine:
A happy and diverse student body doesn’t mean that many students don’t go home on weekends. Students don’t go home because of the dorms.

Yes, there is a lot to do in Orange County but most of the things you listed require three things that college students don’t have - time, money, and transportation.

First year college students tend to spend most of their time on campus, in the dorms, or in the community that is within walking distance of campus.

Many students like that UCI weekends are more quiet. Many become friends with those who don’t go home. However, some students are more reserved and have a difficult time reaching out to meet friends. For some, an active social life is important to them. There is no right or wrong choice. It is just important for admitted students to be aware of campus culture prior to committing.

There are also a couple of UCI parent FB groups (run by parents, not the school and not by Humans of University). The question about whether UCI is quiet on the weekends is asked in those groups every year.

Facebook Group 1
Facebook Group 2

Have you decided what school you are leaning towards?

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