Choosing career/program

<p>Hi, I'm new to this site and am hoping to get some advice. I'll start by saying a little about myself. I am 24 years old, have been self employed since I was 18. I have made good money but the hours have reflected this. I recently decided that I wanted to go back to school. After many hours of research and soul searcing I decided that I wanted to put my energy towards bettering the lives of others. I have a strong interest in building, designing and bettering products which lead me to the field of biomedic engineering. I was very enthusiastic about takimg this until I continued my research and discovered that this field doesn't seem to be as lucrative as I had first thought. </p>

<p>I guess what I want to ask is, what other jobs are available and in high demand in the health care sector? Money and time are issues. I don't want to be in school full time for more then 5 years, aswell I want to be compensated well for the time and money I dedicate to obtaining a degree. </p>

<p>Thanks and look forward to any advice that may be offered. </p>

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