choosing classes help

This semester I have a handful of difficult classes so I was just looking for an easier, enjoyable class that covers some gen eds to even out my work load. Any suggestions?

Vaughan is the obvious answer.

Okay wait, I have a more detailed answer. I personally don’t love the idea of Vaughan so much, but others do. Anything with Gina Glasman is really easy and very interesting. She teaches mostly Jewish or Yiddish history. Jewish New York is supposed to be fun. Children’s Literature or Adolescent Literature, both with Signorotti, are pretty cool. The first you’ll read stuff like fairy tales, Mary Poppins, Peter Pan, the second you’ll do Catcher in the Rye, Hunger Games, etc. Michael Sharp is AMAZING but he isn’t so easy. Scott Henkel is really good, I took Banned Books with him. I’ve heard good things about intro theater with Kevin Oakes. There are some good, easy creative writing teachers, too.

Man, cue the major Binghamton nostalgia right now.

It depends what gen eds you need. For the aesthetics gen ed, i heard cinema and theater are the easiest courses. for pluralism I’ve heard pop rock and soul is a fun course.

My son just took pop rock and soul and liked it. It is either A or P gen ed. And only counts for P if you have AP history.